It's always useful to know when your last full database backup was. One way of doing this is by checking in your backup server log file. Better and easier to script is by using DBCC inside your database. (more…)
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Poormans Dedupe
Fancy file systems as ZFS or WAFL have dedupe options to reduce the diskspace of recurring files. These file systems look at each file and only keep one copy of the same file if the file is present in multiple folders. Most of these file systems keep huge tables in memory to speed up this process. (more…)
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YUM: Find in which yum group a package belongs
I was looking for a way to identify in which yum package group a specific package belongs. This helps me filter out the less useful packages on Satellite 6 content views. This is a more simple method then I would like and doesn't work from inside a script but it does what it should
yum groupinfo '*' | less +/package
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Sybase Replicated database copy
Refreshing a Primary Database of a Replication setup into DEV/QA.
When we load a replicated database into another ASE server, it will not jump online due to the secondary truncation point that was set in the source database. In other words after the load is completed, when you issue the online database command it will fail due to the secondary truncation point that was used by the replication agent.
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Sybase SQSH
I'm not a big fan of the Sybase provided isql tool. I prefer the far better sqsh (pronounced skwish) replacement. it provides many features isql is lacking like searching through queries, using a ; to end a query and much better OS redirection of results. (more…)
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Sybase ASE performance tuning
Check performance
We can check the performance of the ASE engine by using the sp_sysmon procedure. This procedure will monitor the engine for the given time spew out a long report. This allows us to see our performance and adjust the engine where needed.
Sometimes sp_sysmon gives a direct recommendation at the bottom which is always good to looking to.
Of course it helps to start sp_sysmon when the database is under high load.
Data cache
sp_sysmon "00:05:00" , dcache;
Procedure cache
sp_sysmon "00:05:00" , pcache;
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If you are worried like me about data degradation on your document/archive NAS it might be worthwhile looking into SnapRAID. SnapRAID is a backup solution for disk arrays. It creates hashes on a extra disk to ensure data integrity and gives you a additional recover option for the failed array disk. As an extra benefit you can recover specific files from accidental deletion and verify the current data set. I am using this mostly for the last option because it gives a extra layer of safety on those important files I don't want to see get corrupted without taking a 1 on 1 backup.
Let's have a ...
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Sybase ASE logins migration between 15.0.2 and 15.7
When you migrate from ase 15.0.2 to 15.7 you will notice that the syslogins table structure has been changed. Due to this change we need to add some info to the user list when migration between 15.0.2 to 15.7
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Hello world!
I will be posting some random stuff here but primarily about tech stuff. Some Red Hat, Sybase, Microsoft, etc.
Stay tuned while I work out the issues with the site.
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