
Ever since the start I have been a huge fan of SteamOS and I have been running Alchemist since the closed BETA. The fact that I can stream games from my Desktop to my TV is a major plus for me in games like Pro Evolution Soccer. Certain games such as the Witcher can run natively on my SteamOS.

Unfortunately with the release of Brewmaster a reinstall is required what gives me a good opportunity to list all the useful sources and guides about SteamOS on the internet.

Official repo : where you can find the installation files and updates

One of the better experts on SteamOS is ProfessorKaos64. He has a number of Git repos with useful tools and scripts:

Install Kodi on steamOS:

apt-get install git
git clone
cd SteamOS-tools
apt-get install kodi


Everything Steam and Fedora related: